On Friday Olivia and I met Madelyn and Lana at the play area in Willow Bend Mall. First we ate lunch and then we went to the play area. That is like our baby contingency plan, anytime we don't know what to do we take them there. The girls had a great time. M kept trying to escape, every time Lana would put her down she would make a break for the exit. They crawl so fast now it's hard to keep up with them.

After the girls played we took them to Stride rite to get there feet measured. Olivia is a size 4 1/2. She tried on these shoes and I had to take a picture of her in them because she kept them on. Usually she tries to kick the shoes off as soon as you put them on her but she kept these on. They were easy for her to crawl and stand up in.

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