Olivia is in the early stages of walking. She has taken as many as 5 steps at once, so we are very excited. Her G-ma and G-pa bought her some walking shoes, they are pictured below. We have been trying to get video of her walking but I always get to the camera to late. There are some videos of her taking steps but they are dark and you would have to turn your head to the side just to see them. However as soon as I get good clear video I will upload it, in the mean time the bad video is on Vimeo. Here is the link:
http://www.vimeo.com/6586164 Today we went to story time at Barnes & Noble, lets just say compared to what we are use to it is lacking. But Olivia likes to go there and look at all the books and crawl around so it was not a complete waste of time.

What? walking? I can't believe it! can't wait to see it in person!!!