Yesterday we had a BBQ. We had some friends over and Marcus fired up the pit. Olivia had so much fun being outside. It was a nice day, the weather cooperated, and everything was perfect until.... I locked us all out of the house. As I was coming out of the back door I had livi in one hand and her water, puffs, and my camera in the other hand. Somehow I managed to lock the door and we couldn't get in, we had to call a locksmith. When we called he said that they would be here in 15 mins. 50 mins later we are all sitting outside still and livi is playing with the neighbors dog because she has no idea that we are stuck outside. She just thinks we are outside to play. Then the locksmith finally shows up after an hour and it takes him all of 10 mins to get in the house and for this they charged $80. Needless to say the night could only go up from there and it did. We all had a great time and livi had her first taste of BBQ, baked beans, and potato salad and she loved it.
Olivia walking down the path in the backyard being silly.

Olivia sitting on the patio in mommy's chair.

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