I finally got Olivia to put on the tutu correctly. She walked around the house in that tutu for a hour. I took her outside to take some better pictures but she kept picking up leaves and getting them stuck to the tutu. I think she looks too cute in it don't you?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ladies lunching and a little more
This week we went to Chipotle with Madalyn and Lana for lunch. I think the girls really enjoyed it. Olivia had a black bean soft taco and she ate half of it. She really loves all kinds of beans, but daddy doesn't like what happens after she eats them. Also she has been drinking out of a straw for about 3 months now so I decided to buy her the small organic juice boxes and she loves them. After lunch we all went shopping at buy buy baby, because Madalyn needed a new car seat. As soon as we walked in the door I saw the cutest little tutus on sale and I had to get one for Olivia. While we were looking at the tutus we noticed the Halloween costumes and Madalyn tried on a chick. Also Livi's two top teeth are finally budding but I don't have any pictures of that, as soon as I do I will upload them.
Madalyn and Olivia at lunch
Olivia drinking from her juice box like a big girl.
My daughter the clown with her tutu on her head instead of her body!
Madalyn dressed as a Chick
Monday, September 21, 2009
Yesterday we had a BBQ. We had some friends over and Marcus fired up the pit. Olivia had so much fun being outside. It was a nice day, the weather cooperated, and everything was perfect until.... I locked us all out of the house. As I was coming out of the back door I had livi in one hand and her water, puffs, and my camera in the other hand. Somehow I managed to lock the door and we couldn't get in, we had to call a locksmith. When we called he said that they would be here in 15 mins. 50 mins later we are all sitting outside still and livi is playing with the neighbors dog because she has no idea that we are stuck outside. She just thinks we are outside to play. Then the locksmith finally shows up after an hour and it takes him all of 10 mins to get in the house and for this they charged $80. Needless to say the night could only go up from there and it did. We all had a great time and livi had her first taste of BBQ, baked beans, and potato salad and she loved it.

Olivia sitting on the patio in mommy's chair.

Olivia walking down the path in the backyard being silly.

Olivia sitting on the patio in mommy's chair.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Olivia is walking
Olivia is in the early stages of walking. She has taken as many as 5 steps at once, so we are very excited. Her G-ma and G-pa bought her some walking shoes, they are pictured below. We have been trying to get video of her walking but I always get to the camera to late. There are some videos of her taking steps but they are dark and you would have to turn your head to the side just to see them. However as soon as I get good clear video I will upload it, in the mean time the bad video is on Vimeo. Here is the link:http://www.vimeo.com/6586164 Today we went to story time at Barnes & Noble, lets just say compared to what we are use to it is lacking. But Olivia likes to go there and look at all the books and crawl around so it was not a complete waste of time.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
On Saturday we went to Barnes and Noble to the Winnie the Pooh story time. Someone was dressed as Winnie the Pooh, Marcus said that it didn't look like any Winnie the Pooh he had ever seen. Olivia was not very impressed by him either. I guess I can take solace in the fact that she was not afraid of him. After the story time we hung out at the bookstore for a little bit so livi could play. It was such a rainy and cool day, I got to put on an outfit that she got from her grandma. (Marcus' mom) I 'm glad I put it on her then because it is 12 months and the pants were already too short and tight. Instead I put on some of the jeans she already had, she could fit the shirt but the sleeves were a bit snug.

She was sitting in the chair and I was reading her There is a Wocket in my Pocket by Dr. Seuss and she took the book from me.
Winnie, Olivia, and Me
Olivia loves to play with the train set when we go to Barnes and Noble. I called her name so that she would look at the camera so I could take her picture. This is the look she gave me, like not now mommy, I'm playing.

She was sitting in the chair and I was reading her There is a Wocket in my Pocket by Dr. Seuss and she took the book from me.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Lake
Monday, September 7, 2009
Livi's other family
This weekend we hung out with the Stafford's, Olivia's other family. Thursday the 10th is Josh's birthday so we went to Amazing Jake's to celebrate with him. All the boys decided to rock climb, that is why J and D had on the harness things in the pic on the bottom. They asked me to do it and I told them the closest I would get to that is standing next to it to watch them do it. I played putt-putt instead and Jalon beat me bad.
Olivia wanted to dig into Josh's cake, we had her standing on the table next to the cake and she was reaching for it. I know she can't wait until her birthday when she can dig in with both hands. She took D's hat and tried to put it on. She was having a little trouble so he helped her.
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