We went to Mississippi for Easter to see Marcus' side of the family. The drive from Houston is about 10 hours and Olivia did well on the way there. We watched YBCR twice, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Princess and the Frog. We were happy that my sister went with us so she could entertain Olivia and help drive. We got there the Wednesday before Easter and left the next Friday. Olivia really enjoyed seeing her grandparents and her cousins. Everyone was so excited that she could and did call them by their name. Marcus' dad is a pastor so we went to his church for Easter.
Olivia ran around so much before church that she fell asleep in the car on the way to church.

Marcus, Olivia, and I after church.

had a lot of energy after church because she took her nap during church. When we went out to the car she saw her ball and wanted to kick it around in the front of the church.

Olivia and I looking at her new ducky book she got in her Easter Basket.

Marcus' dad has a four wheeler and my sister wanted to drive it. She did really good for her first time. We let Olivia ride on it with her and she had so much fun. We thought she would be scared but she wasn't.
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