We parked in a parking garage right across the street from the zoo so we didn't have a long way to walk to get there. Here is livi enjoying being pushed with her sunglasses on.
We had to take her out of the stroller once we got in the zoo. There were so many people there that she couldn't see past them in her stroller. This is livi and Dear looking at the Asian elephant. She was so happy to see one in person because she sees them on her YBCR DVD.
This is livi and Dear looking at the giraffes. I don't know if you can tell or not in this pic, but the one on the left is the mom and the one to the right of her is the baby and he is nursing. It was amazing to me to see how they twist their necks around like that.
I thought this was cute. As you can see Olivia is like 2 1/2 feet according to this chart and my mom is only like 5 feet. I hope Olivia gets her height from her daddy. BTW I have no Idea who that boy is in the pic.
It was a nice day not to hot but it was warm. My mom and I decided to get some Strawberry Chills to keep cool, Olivia ate all of my moms.
They had a carousal there and that is Olivia's new favorite thing so we had to get on. Olivia picked the Monkey to get on. She held on like a big girl.
The carousal was the last thing we did before we left. By this time Olivia was ready to go home and take a nap.
As you can tell by the look on her face.
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