This weekend one of my really good friends came up for a conference. So we had a girls night out,we went to dinner on Saturday night at the Cheesecake Factory.
I had to put this picture on because I thought she looked so mischievous. It looked like she had an evil plot to steal the food off our plates.
On Monday night Marcus went with us and we went to his favorite restaurant, Chedders. I ordered a chicken sandwich and fries. The whole night Olivia would try to reach over and take one of my fries. She succeeded one time, I turned to say something to Marcuse and when I looked back at her one of my fries was headed for her mouth. I took it from her but I gave her some of Marcus' greenbeans.

She had her 9 month check up today and she got a clean bill of health. She weighs 20 lbs and
9.5 oz. she is 27 and 1/2 inches tall and she has achieved all her 9 month milestones. The funny thing is that today was the first time I took her up to the fish tank at the doctors office. The fish were swimming and moving their fins back and foward and she thought they were waving at her. She just kept waving at them in the fish tank, it was so cute. This was the best picture I could get because I had to hold her and take the pic, but you can see her waving her little hand.
I love how they are both wearing purple in the first pic...did y'all plan that for the blog?! and so cute with the waving! I think somebody needs fish for her room! see y'all tomorrow!