We have had one busy week. Olivia has more of a social life than I do. Everywhere we went this week was because someone invited Olivia. I already posted a photo for Monday . On Monday we went to our normal baby story time, but this time we met a friend there and we took Tracy's boys with us. Olivia loves them and they love her.
On Tuesday we went to the Galleria mall with Tracy and her boys. They went ice skating while Olivia and I watched. She loved the show the boys put on for her showing her all their ice skating skills, or lack there of. After ice skating we walked around the mall a bit and then we went to Sunny Brian's for some Bar-B-Q. We all had fun including Olivia. She and Josh played and played, he made her laugh so hard. When we finally got home we were both so pooped that we went to sleep early.This is Tracy and her boys Jalon, Josh, and Darius.

This picture was after we got home but I had to put it on here because she is so cute. This is another outfit from Grandma.
We went to Lana and Madelyn's house to see them. Our friend Carter was there also, we had so much fun. We had not seen them in a long time, the three musketeers back together again. Too bad we couldn't get one smile in the whole bunch.
We went back to baby story time at North Park and we met our friends Stephine and Zack there. Olivia loves to stand up, she will hold on to anything. Even mommy's hair.:(

We also made some new friends. Olivia can't get enough of those eggs. She actually took one from story time this week. She had it in her hand the whole time and I didn't notice until we had already left. I guess we will just have to take it back next week.
At story time someone told us about a sale at The Children s Place. Soooo, we went shopping, we got two hats, a head band, a dress, shorts, a shirt, and some shoes all for under $15.( Our kind of sale) This is Olivia being a diva in the store. She wore that hat around the whole store, so of course we got it. The glasses however were a different story. But does she look cute or what!

We had dinner plans on Friday night with Lana, Madelyn, and Clint. So I will upload those pics later.