There is this restaurant in Galveston that I love. The name of it is Happy Buddha and I go every time I am down there. This is the first time that Olivia has been there while awake. I thought it would be fun if I took a pic of her next to the infamous Buddha in the lobby. As you can tell it didn't quite go as planned. She was afraid of him and she would not take her eyes off of him in fear that if she did he would get her. She was climbing up my sister just to get away from him.

The reason we went to Galveston, besides Happy Buddha was to take her to the beach. I really wanted to see how she would react to a body of water that is not a pool. My mom and sister went with Marcus, Olivia, and I to the beach. I picked up a seashell to commemorate her first trip to the beach and I am going to put it in a baggie in her baby book.
Olivia walking on the beach and livi with my sister on the beach

Olivia liked walking on the beach and she liked looking at the water. However when I let her stand while the waves came in and they washed the sand from under her feet she did not like that. That is why the last pic is of her holding on to me for dear life to pick her up.

Livi looking at the water with her MyDear